Monday 1 January 2007

I have been told to do this blogging thing,so that I can actually keep tabs on how I change (apparently) from day to day ,hour to hour.And therefore ,the reasons why I am impossible to live with.According to my sister,ex,son,and friend !Dammit.
I don't think it will prove anything,but willing to give it a try.
So I have to be honest with the page even when I'm not with THEM !!!
I want to see if they are correct.
Personally I think they are all control freaks.

Okay,Ted wants to lay on the keyboard so it's becoming a battle of wills before I've even started.
It's New Years Day 2007 and my son is at his Father's & girlfriend's flat ,where he spent most of last night texting me ,to ask for his friends to sleep over today .
The nearer it got to midnight and the more alcohol I consumed on my own,the more obliging I became.
Son txt-"Mum can Razz do sleepover 2morrow?"
Reply-"NO, broke bed last time+split my neck pillow and set fire to Batman so the fumes upset the neighbours."
On and on until eventually,after just one bottle of wine,I began to think it was MY idea and had told him to ask two other friends aswell as the demented RAZZ and that I would treat them all to the pictures.
I'm fed up now.
The mortgage hasn't gone out (not enough IN),the gas bill needs paying and I'm feeling fat and ugly.Plus I can hear a cat delivering a hairball in the front room.
They'll be here soon................where's the bottle opener?

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